Dear Friends and Partners in Ministry,
Growing up, it was nearly impossible to access a quality education. My family faced extreme poverty every day. My early years were difficult and seemed hopeless, but I was finally enrolled into the Compassion International sponsorship program. It was there that I received additional food and an education. Having my basic needs met, I dared to dream about the future ahead of me. I was so grateful; I nurtured a dream of establishing an orphanage/school where more children could also learn to dream. I put my dreams and aspirations on paper. We now have 10 new classrooms that can accommodate up to 350 pupils. They give our ministry room to grow and expand to more children in need. I thank God today and every day for His generosity and for making my dream a reality.
I also extend a special thanks to our partners, our generous contractor, and the entire PPMU family for ensuring resources were available to have this classroom building project completed. Rebuilding broken walls and hearts calls for patience and faith. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, this has been achieved, with faith anything is possible!
Going forward, we will be working to pave portions of the school campus and build a perimeter fence such that both health and security of the pupils is guaranteed. If you wish to support towards this noble cause, kindly reach out through the PPMU website under “Building Fund.” We depend on your prayers and generosity to keep our dreams alive.
God bless you our friends and partners for building God's kingdom through PPMU.
Innocent Mucunguzi
Founder and Ministry Director