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Over the years, PPMU has been blessed with good neighbors. One such neighbor has allowed us to use his vacant lot as a playground since we began operations at this location in 2018. He's grown fond of the ministry and how we help the poor children of Kabale, UG.

Our dear neighbor was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, so he asked if we would want to purchase his lot as this would help him pay for his cancer treatment. It is a desirable lot and would sell very fast, so it is a privilege for him to give PPMU first rights to purchase.

Our Board discussed and agreed this is indeed a great opportunity. The lot will allow us to expand and grow our ministry should the Lord open that up down the road. An amount was agreed upon, paperwork signed, and the lot was successfully acquired. It is humbling and amazing to watch the Lord work on behalf of PPMU. He fulfills our needs before we even ask of Him.

Please pray for our neighbor as he begins his cancer journey. May he feel God's presence every step and be healed in Jesus' Name.